Bingo is our resident poet for the Rebel Wayfarers, and for Hoss he penned a beautiful poem that could be lyrics, or a passionate spoken word.

What they say


Beauty lies

They say

In the eyes

Where what we see becomes truth

Where what we know becomes twisted

That twist bursting seams with joy wasted

Bringing down our towers of unused youth


Beauty lies

They say

In the mouth

Where what we remark can hurt or heal

Where what we hear can give us peace

True peace reaching through passionate release

Giving the courage to look within and feel


Beauty lies

They say

In the heart

Where what we feel turns into certainty

Where what we sense imbues our dreaming

Filling places inside with rich meaning

Eager ardor fully worthy of raw clarity


Beauty lies

They say

In the soul

Where what we absorb feeds our brightness

Where what we imbibe nourishes good

Enthralling brilliance blinding as it should

Our tribe surrounded free in captive rightness

Copyright © 2015 – MariaLisa deMora

Beardo Weber's Bewbs - No Touchie!

Beardo Weber’s Bewbs – No Touchie!


Hoss, Rebel Wayfarers MC, book #7

Read an excerpt from Hoss

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