Occupy Yourself
Stardom doesn’t happen overnight. Hell, it doesn’t even happen after a decade in the business, as the members of Occupy Yourself have found out. But, with the right talent and the right representation, they might still have a chance to make it big. As long as they can keep their lead singer sober, keep their drummer focused on the music, keep their guitarist out of trouble … well, you get the idea. Come and join us, stand side stage for a close-up view of the backstage happenings in a rock-and-roll band. It’s guaranteed to be a show you won’t ever forget.
Fan of the music of Occupy Yourself? Click here to experience the lyrics of some of the band’s most popular songs.

Born Into Trouble
Benny Jones grew up fast, much faster than anyone in his family realized, in the backwoods sticks of Wyoming. Blessed with movie star good looks he didn’t lack for female attention, and his first girlfriend set the tone for his romantic life…

Grace In Motion
Victor Montrose had been beating out rhythms since he was born, or even before, if you listened to his dad. He was the toddler who stood next to the TV speakers, hands on the pulsing fabric, head bobbing in time to the music. The child who sat for hours on the floor of the family kitchen, happily beating out his own version of a song on the bottoms of his grandmother’s pots and pans…